

Personal information

I was born on the 23.12.1972 in Berne (CH). Short after my birth my parents and I moved to Kirchberg (20 km from Berne), where I was living until I moved over to Bettlach in June 1998. My snail-mail address is:

Thomas von Siebenthal
Markusstrasse 10
CH - 2544 Bettlach

Bettlach is situated just beside Grenchen. With the Swiss Federal Railway (SBB) you can get to Bettlach by the regional train between Biel and Solothurn. In Grenchen Süd the fast trains on the line "Zürich - Olten - Solothurn - Biel" stop and in Grenchen Nord the trains on the line "Basel - Delémont - Grenchen - Biel" make a short stop. The trip by car ist drawn into a map of the area (457 KB) (smaller version with 248 KB). To exactly find my place in Bettlach I supply a map of the village (233 KB).

"Electronically" I can be found and reached much easier:

EMail: Thomas@von.Siebenthal.ch
Tel.: ++41 (0)32 / 645 04 70
Fax: ++41 (0)32 / 645 04 74

After 4 years of Primary School and 2 years of Secondary School in Kirchberg and 6.5 years of Gymnasium Burgdorf I finished there my Matura (Typus C). I started my studies in October 1992 in computer science at the University of Berne. I finished my studies with the final exam and a diploma in computer science by the end of May 1998. If you like you can read a short CV in german about myself.

Besides my education in the Gymnasium amd my studies I worked with several companies. During the Gymnasium, between Matura and University and in the first 3 years at the University I worked with MTF Computerzentrum Solothurn. After that I shortly worked for IB_COM Solothurn. After that I spent one year in the internet business with TheNet - Internet Services AG, an ISP in Berne. Since November 1996 I work 50% for Tecno Software. Form the 1st of July 1998 I work fulltime for Tecno Software on projects in the health insurance area. But the works doesn't take always place in such a nice environment as on the wollowing one-two-three pictures at my bosses flat ;-) 

Last modified 11.06.2000 by tvs